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If you are sending a non-document shipment to a destination outside the EU, you will need to attach Customs paperwork. Contact us and we can prepare these for you, or help find out if you’ve already got them.

All goods imported into the UK from outside the EU must be declared to HM Revenue & Customs and, in most cases, are subject to Customs Duty & VAT.

Learn more about Duty and VAT here.

If you are a personal customer, you can pay your Duty and VAT invoice quickly online.

You can arrange for a redelivery by calling us during business hours or alternatively emailing to

If your shipment did not arrive, it is important that you contact us with an accurate description of the goods and their packaging as soon as possible. We hold on to items that were not properly addressed or that became detached from their packaging. It is possible that through this we will be able to reunite you with your shipment.

You will have to discuss this with the supplier. It depends on the type of commodity you are purchasing, the value of the goods, how the supplier labels them for customs purposes and what country you are importing them into. If Customs duties and taxes apply, the person receiving the goods is legally obliged to pay them unless the supplier has agreed to accept these charges in the contract of sale